Corporate Information
Compliance / Risk Management
Applying the Group Code of Conduct, a variety of initiatives are conducted in the SEGA SAMMY Group to keep all employees aware of compliance issues so that we can act accordingly.
Furthermore, having identified loss risks within and outside the scope of its business management and clarified the tasks it should address, the Group implements operations, minimizes the loss of management resources, and prevents recurrence.
Familiarity with the Group Code of Conduct
The SEGA SAMMY Group complies rigorously with corporate ethics and statutory laws and regulations by ensuring all employees of the Group understand the Group mission and purpose and by providing guidance on conduct and performance of duties consistent with the spirit of this charter in the Group Code of Conduct and the Group Management Policy.
Improving Awareness and Fostering Understanding Regarding Compliance
To improve awareness and foster understanding related to compliance, the SEGA SAMMY Group carries out training seminars, e-learning and various other awareness-building activities as appropriate that target all group officers and employees. It also works to improve compliance awareness by making related information continuously available. This includes sending out e-mail newsletters alerting officers and employees to compliance risks based on scandals in society, as well as using the intranet to make available such things as the group’s compliance handbook and explanatory information following changes to laws.
Whistleblower System
The Group has established a whistleblower system to enable selfcorrection within the Group and to prevent scandals due to illegal or unfair practices. The Group investigates reported matters, rectifies them, and takes measures to prevent recurrence of such issues. Also, the Group has established a system that protects whistleblowers and uses its intranet and posters to inform all employees about the system.
In 2019, the Group was registered as a registered business under the “Whistleblowing Compliance Management System (self-declaration system)” governed by Japan’s Consumer Affairs Agency, and is making efforts to properly maintain and operate its whistleblowing system.
Preventing Insider Trading
We have established internal regulations to prevent insider trading by employees and officers. These rules describe legal restrictions on stock trading, and require all officers or employees to report planned purchases or sales of the Company’s shares.
We have taken steps to raise officer and employee awareness of key issues, disseminating information on insider trading regulations through our intranet.
Appropriate Processing of Donations, Prevention of Corruption
To prevent corruption (such as unlawful payoffs, favors, or gifts) and ensure appropriate donations for social contribution as identified in the Code of Conduct, the SEGA SAMMY Group strives to make it clear that fairness is required. Compliance with company rules, established in line with relevant regulations, is mandatory.
Emergency Preparedness
The Company, SEGA, and Sammy have established business continuity plans to maintain or quickly restore operations after natural disasters or accidents. Safety verification systems enable prompt, reliable confirmation of local conditions and the safety of employees or their family members in emergencies. Emergency communication protocols and equipment are in place, and we are investigating groupwide deployment.
Stronger Information Security
In the SEGA SAMMY Group, all information is viewed as a valuable asset, whether it pertains to customers, management, or sales. An information security policy and rules on information management prescribe management and storage of confidential corporate information and other information.
Basic Stance on Intellectual Property
Intellectual property is treated as an important means to enhance Group competitiveness and is positioned as a significant management resource. Group companies each uphold their own, individualized policies. Sharing of information among Group companies is encouraged, and at the same time, the Group complies with rules and regulations that govern competition and intellectual property rights.