Sustainability at the SEGA SAMMY Group

Materiality of the SEGA SAMMY Group

Five Materialities (Key issues)

Developing people who can create captivating experiences

Action Theme

  • Cultural diversity
  • Career development for women
  • Training of core personnel
  • Improvement of the work environment


To create captivating experiences, we need to be a game changer.

Making Life More Colorful—This commitment drives the SEGA SAMMY Group’s global business expansion.
By adapting to rapid changes in society and value systems, we will ensure that we can continue to create captivating experiences.
We will also maintain our role as a game changer by investing in human resources and the development of systems.


Improving an environment for human resource development: SEGA SAMMY Group’s HR Transformation Vision

The “HR Transformation Vision” is a direction of transformation and an ideal state of human resources to break the traditional seniority-based / rigid personnel structure / operating style and maximize the diversity of each company and individual, while leveraging the strengths of the group as a whole.
We set “Fulfilling respective roles needed to realize our mission,” “Behaviors leveraging diversity,” “Appointments and removals according to aspirations and abilities,” “Compensation based on results and contributions ,” “Opportunities to thrive across the Group” as five priorities and we continue to introduce and consider various measures to provide opportunities for success and grow at work to employees who has ambition and ability.


The following are examples of initiatives related to “Behaviors leveraging diversity” which are closely related to sustainability in five priorities.

・Creating an environment in which diverse employees can shape their careers while maximizing their abilities, regardless of age or gender
   Holding round-table discussions with female executives / holding career workshops for young female employees
   Conducting career training for managers / Side job system
   Providing a wide variety of courses at SS-college, a learning system for SEGA SAMMY Group employees

・Creating systems that prevents employees from giving up their careers due to life events such as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care
   Excess statutory requirements in childcare and nursing care leave, and a system of working shorter hours
   Establishment of in-house nursery school “SEGA SAMMY Soramori Nursery School”
   Egg freezing support system
   Telecommuting system

・Respecting human rights, prohibiting all forms of discrimination (Note), protecting the vulnerable and eliminating inequalities, considering diversity equity and inclusion as a matter of course
   Conducting unconscious bias training for managers
   Distributing e-learning on LGBT+ / Various systems that treat same-sex partners the same as spouses
   Holding experiential training for understanding people with disabilities

Discrimination is the practice of creating differences in opportunities and treatment for hiring, promotion, compensation, training, and other system applications based on factors other than reasonable factors such as a person’s ability, aptitude, and performance.
Elements of discrimination include, for example, race, creed, sex, age, social status, family origin, nationality, ethnicity, religion, region of origin, skin color, sexual orientation, and gender identity.


Through these efforts, we will foster an organizational culture in which diverse employees can create synergies while understanding and leveraging talent each other.


Our goal is to attract people who can work effectively in the global arena, and to develop leaders who can take up the challenge of innovation.

Providing safe, dependable, and innovative products and services

Action Theme

  • Improvement of product and service quality
  • Provision of safe, dependable products


We make life more colorful for people everywhere by providing value that exceeds expectations.

SEGA SAMMY Group companies all have their own visions for the future. SEGA’s vision is to be a game changer and a creator of content and services with themes that will excite the world’s three billion gamers. Sammy’s vision is to create pachislot and pachinko machines that will bring excitement to everyday life and earn the support of diverse users. Group companies in the resort business are dedicated to providing their customers with opportunities for rest and relaxation.


We will continue to create products and services that combine safety and dependability with innovativeness.

Group companies set priorities and strategies for all of their products and services. We disclose these priorities and strategies and monitor progress toward their realization.


These efforts result in safe, dependable products and services.

Strategic commitment to action on climate change

Action Theme

  • Environmental load reduction initiatives
  • Addressing climate change
    (TCFD-based disclosure)


We aim to lead the entertainment market in addressing social needs and working toward decarbonization.

The video game industry and the pachislot and pachinko machine industry have only just begun to implement forward-looking initiatives toward the development of a decarbonized society. The SEGA SAMMY Group will promote activities designed to influence the entire market.


We will review our existing business operations and look for new opportunities arising during the transition to a decarbonized society.

We see the present situation as an opportunity to improve manufacturing efficiency, train highly skilled workers, and enhance our decarbonization technology, while further increasing our added value, through business model innovation and digital transformation (DX). By meeting the needs of customers who require environmentally responsible products and services, we will provide environmental value to society as a whole.


These proactive environmental initiatives will ensure the SEGA SAMMY Group’s future as an essential contributor to the development of a decarbonized society.

Prevention of addictions and disorders

Action Theme

  • Compliance with laws, regulations, and voluntary rules
  • Awareness-raising activities through industry organizations
  • Continuing commitment to research on addiction


While products and services supplied by the SEGA SAMMY Group help to make life more colorful and exciting, we also need to address the negative aspects, such as addiction.

We believe that the pachislot and pachinko machine industry and the video game industry have a social responsibility to prevent dependence-related problems and other harmful effects, so that users can enjoy their products with peace of mind.
The SEGA SAMMY Group supports the activities of related industry groups and engages in various activities to prevent addiction and other problems.


We ensure that our products and services comply with laws, regulations, and voluntary rules. We also take appropriate action to address various issues, including active participation in educational initiatives by industry organizations, and collaboration with university research institutes on studies concerning dependence-related conditions.

We participate in educational programs run by organizations in the pachislot and pachinko machine industry and the video game industry.
The pachislot and pachinko machine industry is continually working to maintain safe, dependable playing environments through initiatives led by industry organizations to address gambling addiction and other issues. Since April 2019, the video game industry has been exploring effective solutions to the harmful effects of gaming through scientific surveys and research conducted by a study group made up of independent experts.
This study group is expected to publish its research findings in 2022. The SEGA SAMMY Group is identifying the processes involved in gambling addiction through analyses of transitions in gambling behavior.
Through this work, we aim to create systems that will support the detection of early signs of addiction before serious problems can develop.


We will continue our efforts to minimize negative operating impacts by sharing our knowledge of issues and returning benefits from our various initiatives to communities.

Strengthening sustainability governance

Action Theme

  • Maintaining a highly transparent management environment


The SEGA SAMMY Group needs to maintain sophisticated governance systems to support its growth as a globally active business group.

As a corporate group listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, we maintain a high standard of compliance with Japan’s Corporate Governance Code. In addition to our efforts to prevent fraud and risks, we will also continue to address human rights problems and other social issues.


We have created structures to ensure sustainability on a group-wide basis.

We have created the Group Sustainability Promotion Committee, consisting of representatives of group companies, as a subsidiary organization of the Group Sustainability Subcommittee, which is part of the Group Management Committee. These organizations form a structure to support group-wide sustainability initiatives.


We will continue to contribute to the development of a sustainable society through steady efforts guided by high ethical standards.


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