Investor Relations
IR Policy / IR Disclaimer
IR Policy
Basic Stance on Information Disclosure
SEGA SAMMY implements proactive IR activities in line with the following basic policy, “We at the SEGA SAMMY Group will conduct business from a global perspective, aiming for continuous growth and maximization of corporate value. Through a reasonable level of dividends as well as timely and accurate information disclosure, we aim for transparency in management to live up to the expectations of our shareholders and greater society.”
Information Disclosure Standards
Information Disclosure Methods
Based on the Timely Disclosure Regulations, we disclose information in a timely manner through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the TSE. We also voluntarily disclose information that is deemed to have a large impact on the investment decisions of investors through TDnet. While we conduct both timely information disclosure and voluntary information disclosure through TDnet, we also publish disclosed information on SEGA SAMMY’s website.
SEGA SAMMY also aims to deliver timely and accurate information to all overseas investors. After conducting timely information disclosure and voluntary information disclosure within Japan, the content is promptly translated and published on our English website.
Furthermore, in order to deliver disclosure content in a prompt, accurate and impartial manner to a wide variety of investors, SEGA SAMMY considers the delivery of information through the media. Each quarter at the time of our earnings announcement, we hold a press conference for the media and are dedicated to the delivery of information through the content of media reports.
Quiet Period
In-house System for Timely Disclosures
Corporate Governance Report
Governance report can be viewed in PDF format here.
Conditions to Use this Web Site
IR Disclaimer
Forward-looking statements such as earnings forecasts, plans, business strategies and views related to Sega Sammy Holdings Inc. and its group companies on this website and the Company’s other websites to which links are provided are projections concerning the future based on information that is currently available to the Company. Due to their nature, there is no guarantee that these statements are accurate or will be realized as projected.
Therefore, we recommend that you do not depend exclusively upon such information. Factors that may influence actual business performance include but are not limited to economic trends, demand trends, laws and regulations and lawsuits. Material factors that influence matters pertaining to the future include foreign exchange rates and interest rate fluctuations, international situations, demand and economic trends as well as changes in competitive environment and production capacity and research and development trends.
Please refer to Operational Risks for details.
The information on this website and the Company’s other websites is not intended to solicit investment. We urge that you use your own judgment when making investment decisions.