Appendices and Data Collection
External Evaluations
SEGA SAMMY Group has gained significant recognition for its sustainability management initiatives, including external ESG ratings. Social recognition of the results and significance of our efforts also includes a number of awards for individual initiatives. In this section, we will look at some examples of external recognition of our activities.
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Main Awards Won
Certified as the KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations 2024 (Large Enterprise Category)

SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS was certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi as one of the KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations 2024 in the Large Enterprise Category, “it considers employees’ KENKO Investment for Health from a business-management perspective to be one of the efforts toward achieving a healthy, long-life society, and strategically implements initiatives that lead to the maintenance and promotion of health”, in recognition of health management declarations by top management and health management initiatives based on health check results.
Selected as a Finalist in the ALB Japan Law Award 2024

SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS was selected as a finalist (TOP7) in the Japan In-House Team of the Year category at the ALB Japan Law Award 2024, which honors the achievements of legal practitioners and teams in Japan and their contributions to the industry. The Japan In-House Team of the Year is evaluated by a panel of judges consisting of more than 25 members from each local and regional community, corporate legal departments, law firms, bar associations, and non-profit organizations, taking into consideration their professional achievements (Breadth, complexity, innovation, impact, and importance), potential for development, and social impact. SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS was highly evaluated for its creative and proactive efforts to enhance the awareness and mindset of each company’s legal departments, staff in charge, and employees regarding legal affairs through group-wide communication.
Acquired Tomonin, a symbol of a work environment that enables both work and nursing care

In 2024, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS acquired “Tomonin ”, a symbol designated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, as a company that promotes the development of a work environment that enables both work and nursing care.
“Tomonin ” is a nickname for a symbol created by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to promote the development of a work environment that enables both work and nursing care. In order to raise awareness and interest in efforts to create the environment, and to prevent workers’ leave of their jobs to care family members, companies that are working to promote the development of the work environment can use “Tomonin”
by registering their activities to support the compatibility of nursing care leave relationships in the “Ryoritsu shien no hiroba,” which is the online platform to support work life balance.
Awarded "Best Workplace" at D&I AWARD 2023

SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS and SEGA received the highest award at the “D&I AWARD 2024” , which recognizes and honors companies committing to diversity and inclusion. “D&I AWARD” is given by JobRainbow to the company which commits diversity and inclusion (D&I).
GREEN PARTNER 2023 certified by the Forestry Agency

At the “Forests × Decarbonization Challenge 2023” sponsored by the , SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS, a company that contributes to decarbonization through support for forest improvement, has been announced as “GREEN PARTNER 2023” on the Forestry Agency’s website, along with their company name and the amount of CO2 absorption. The “Forests × Decarbonization Challenge” seeks the efforts of companies engaged in forest maintenance, comprehensively evaluates the amount of CO2 absorbed and the contents of those efforts, and honors outstanding activities.
SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS has been acknowledged for its exceptional forest maintenance activities in Minamiaiki Village, Nagano Prefecture.
Green Partner 2023 (Forestry Agency site) (Only available in Japanese)
Obtained the Highest 3-Star 'Eruboshi Certification' as an Outstanding Company for Promoting Women's Participation

SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS was awarded the “Eruboshi” certification by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a leading company for women’s participation in 2023. The “Eruboshi” certification is granted based on the Law for the Promotion of Women’s Participation and Development, which acknowledges companies with exceptional efforts in advancing women’s participation. There are three certification levels based on the achievement status in the five categories of “Recruitment,” “Continuing Employment,” “Working Hours and Flexibility,” “Proportion of Women in Management,” and “Diverse Career Paths.” SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS met all criteria and has achieved the highest level of certification, earning a 3-star rating (Stage 3).
SEGA SAMMY Group places diversity, equity, and inclusion at the core of its management philosophy and is committed to create an environment in which all employees can be given their full potential. Various measures are being implemented to actively support women’s participation and foster a work environment where diverse talents can thrive.
Accredited “Kurumin” based on the Law for Promotion of Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation, and acquired “Platinum Kurumin” as an excellent company for childcare support.

In 2023, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS acquired “Kurumin“ from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company engaged in childcare support based on the Law for Promotion of Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation. As a leading company in childcare support, Sammy received “Platinum Kurumin Plus“ in 2024.
Aiming to further strengthen the foundation for everyone to play an active role,SEGA SAMMY Group has been implementing various initiatives under the slogan of “Women’s Participation” as one of its human resources strategies at major companies in Japan. By promoting these initiatives in addition to enhancing recruitment and systems, SEGA SAMMY Group aims to increase the ratio of female managers to approximately double by 2030.
Awarded "Gold" and "Rainbow" in the PRIDE Index 2023

“PRIDE Index” is Japan’s first “evaluation index in the workplace for LGBTQ+ initiatives” developed by work with Pride in 2016 with the aim of creating a workplace where LGBTQ+ people can work with pride.
SEGA SAMMY Group places diversity, equity and inclusion at the core of its management, and is committed to creating an environment where all employees can realize their full potential. And we have formulated a policy to prohibit all forms of discrimination, including LGBTQ+ discrimination, and have been actively involved in raising awareness among employees, establishing an external consultation center for employees, and sponsoring events. As new initiatives in 2024, we held cross-company study meetings to promote collaboration among entertainment-related companies and share know-how and knowledge, and produced English translations of handbooks and distributed data free of charge to contribute to the creation of workplaces where people can work regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
These efforts were evaluated, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS, SEGA and Sammy have received Gold in the “PRIDE Index” for 6 consecutive years from 2019.
In addition, in 2024, we received Rainbow for 2 consecutive years, which recognizes companies that promote cross-sector collaboration with the national government, local governments, academic institutions, and NPOs/NGOs.
Awarded “Excellent Welfare Corporation (Overall)” in “Hataraku-yell 2024”

SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS, SEGA and Sammy were awarded “Excellent Welfare Corporation (Overall)”, the top award in “Hataraku-yell 2024”, a certification system operated from the Executive Committee of the Welfare Awards and Certification System that recognizes corporations working to enhance and utilize their benefits.
SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS was highly evaluated for its efforts to utilize the benefits system to accurately understand the human resources and labor challenges of changing times and respond to them as appropriate, including the development of various systems and work environments to support the increasingly diverse lifestyles of employees, and the establishment of a dedicated department within the General Corporate Administration Division of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS to establish and enhance various benefit systems.
Achieved the “Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Award” of Intellectual Property Achievement Award.”

SEGA achieved the “Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Award” of Intellectual Property Achievement Award in the fiscal year 2022.
The followings are the three key points of the “Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Award” awarded to SEGA.
・ The system to manage trademarks more effectively and in a panoramic view of the entire group of companies has been established by members of the Intellectual Property Department in SEGA, concurrently operating the same section in SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. The Intellectual Property Department proactively joins businesses from the start-up as an “escort runner to support businesses” to search and establish trademark rights. Trademark businesses are brought in-house to substantially reduce costs and strengthen intellectual property skills.
・ Trademark portfolio has been reinforced according to the change of business, including goods sales, provision of online games, filmization, and so on for their important brands, including retro games (for example, the “Sonic the Hedgehog” is protected by 1,900 trademarks in 90 countries). In addition, guidelines for using and notating trademarks were made to prevent trademarks such as “UFO CATCHER ®” and “Purikura ®” from becoming generic names.
・ Execution of rights is very focused, and infringements are treated aggressively by taking administrative measures (China), giving warnings, and taking legal actions. In addition, for major trademarks, the motion of objection in other countries prevents registrations from the third party.
Sports Interactive Ltd., a SEGA subsidiary in the UK, received the “Environmental Award”, the UK-based global video games trade media outlet, announced their annual winners for the “Best Places to Work Awards 2022 (UK),” and SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS’ overseas subsidiary, Sports Interactive Ltd., won the “Environmental Award” (a special award).
The company has continued using a recyclable package for the “Football Manager” series. Their efforts spread to packages of other games developed by SEGA Europe, which was recognized with a special award given to company working on innovative climate change initiatives.
“PuyoPuyo Champions” won the “Software category” in the Second Healthcare Game Award

The “Healthcare Game Award” is awarded by Japan Activity Association which supports elderly and people with disabilities by about 1,500 healthcare game instructors to the most active IP (including game titles and characters) and organizations in a year.
“PuyoPuyo Champions” won the award in the “Software category” of the “Healthcare Game Award” in 2022 for its enhanced features that allow game content to be adjusted to the level of users, and for its easiness to play to the elderly and people with disabilities who use a game controller for the first time.
SEGA SAMMY Arts Foundation and “Dance Base Yokohama” were certified in “This is MECENAT 2024”

SEGA SAMMY Arts Foundation and “Dance Base Yokohama (DaBY)”, a dance house operated by it, were certified in “This is MECENAT 2024,” set up by Association for Corporate Support for Arts.
“This is MECENAT” started in 2014 for the purpose of creating awareness of diverse activities performed by corporations and corporate foundations for promoting arts and culture (a richly creative society by promoting arts and culture) and demonstrating their social meaning and existence. To make the Corporate Mecenat that changes diversely with age widely known, the “Mecenat mark” is issued as a symbol of the “This is Mecenat” activity and is listed in the “This is MECENAT” dedicated website.
DaBY’s philosophy and efforts to make it happen were recognized this time, and SEGA SAMMY Arts Foundation along with DaBY were certified as “This is MECENAT” for the third consecutive year.
Relic Entertainment, Inc., a SEGA Europe subsidiary, won “Best Places to Work Awards 2022 (Canada)”

Relic Entertainment, a SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS overseas group company, won a “Best Places to Work Award 2022 (Canada)”. These awards are given to companies that have the most pleasant workplaces by, the UK-based global video games industry trade media outlet. In addition, it also won a special award, “The Health & Wellbeing Award,” given to a company, which works tirelessly on providing ahealthy physical and mental working environment for employees.
The “Best Places to Work Awards” are given out to the companies who meet specific criteria for inclusion. These include scores based on salary, holiday, benefits, social activities and more, and employees of the nominated companies are polled by the organisers to give their views and help determine an overall score. In 2022, 16 companies including Relic Entertainment, Inc., were awarded.
The Creative Assembly Ltd., SEGA Europe subsidiary, won “Best Places to Work Awards 2022 (UK)” for six consecutive years

Creative Assembly, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS overseas group company, won a “Best Places to Work Award 2022 (UK)”. These awards are given to companies that have the most pleasant workplaces by, the UK-based global video games industry trade media outlet.
Creative Assembly received the “Best Places to Work” award for the sixth consecutive year, and in addition, the company’s “The Legacy Project”, a project dedicated to addressing inequality in society through technological and educational access support, received a special “Educational Award”. The project donated more than £30,000 in 2021 through the program and started a scholarship program for students at Teesside University in the UK.
The “Best Places to Work Awards” are given out to companies who meet specific criteria for inclusion. These include scores based on salary, holiday, benefits, social activities and more, and employees of the nominated companies are polled by the organisers to give their views and help determine an overall score. In 2022, 17 companies, including Creative Assembly were awarded.
Recognition for ESG Initiatives and Other Efforts
S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index

SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS has been included in “S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index” by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), which is a global environmental stick index. The S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index emphasizes the investment weight of companies that are highly carbon efficient, that is, those that emit low greenhouse gas emissions relative to their , and those that actively disclose information about their greenhouse gas emissions.
SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Selected for Inclusion in the “Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index
SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS was selected as a component of the Morningstar’s ESG Index “Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index (GenDi J) .”
As of June 2023, Holdings was rated Group 1, the highest rating on a scale of 1 to 5,. The selection was based on the ESG Index’s assessment of companies’ efforts with regard to gender diversity.
GenDi J was newly adopted by GPIF in April 2023 as an ESG index for domestic stocks.

Morningstar, Inc., and/or one of its affiliated companies (individually and collectively, “Morningstar”) has authorized SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS to use of the Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Logo (“Logo”) to reflect the fact that, for the designated ranking year, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS ranks in the top quintile of companies comprising the Morningstar® Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt IndexSM (“Index”) on the issue of gender diversity in the workplace. Morningstar is making the Logo available for use by SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS solely for informational purposes. SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS use of the Logo should not be construed as an endorsement by Morningstar of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS or as a recommendation, offer or solicitation to purchase, sell or underwrite any security associated with SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. The Index is designed to reflect gender diversity in the workplace in Japan, but Morningstar does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the Index or any data included in it. Morningstar makes no express or implied warranties regarding the Index or the Logo, and expressly disclaim all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to the Index, any data included in it or the Logo. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall Morningstar or any of its third party content providers have any liability for any damages (whether direct or indirect), arising from any party’s use or reliance on the Index or the Logo, even if Morningstar is notified of the possibility of such damages. The Morningstar name, Index name and the Logo are the trademarks or services marks of Morningstar, Inc. Past performance is no guarantee of future results
Selection for Inclusion on the “FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index”
In March 2022, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS was selected for inclusion in the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index.
Established by global index provider FTSE Russell on March 30, 2022, this ESG index uses a sector-neutral approach to reflect the performance of Japanese companies with outstanding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives according to the relative weighting of each sector. The index has also been designed to encourage the transition to a low-carbon economy, especially with regard to companies with high greenhouse gas emissions, by including only companies that have earned recognition for improvement initiatives based on their Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) Management Quality scores. The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index has also been selected as a benchmark for ESG-based passive investment by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF).

“FTSE Russell (a registered trademark of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) hereby certifies that SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS has met the requirements to be included in the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index as a result of a third-party survey, and has become a constituent of the index. The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is widely used to create and evaluate sustainable investment funds and other financial products.”
SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS Received ”AAA” in the MSCI ESG Ratings and Included in the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index and the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN)

Since June 2017, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS has been included in the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index, which is selected by MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International, Inc.). In 2023, the ESG rating of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS was revised from AA to AAA.
This is an investment index that evaluates the components of the MSCI Japan IMI Top 700 Index * in terms of ESG, and selects the stocks with the highest ratings within the industry. SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS believe that this review is the result of the effort of our ESG activities and sharing them continuously.
The MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index based on the MSCI Japan IMI Index, its parent index, which includes large, mid and small-cap securities in the Japanese markets. Overall the index targets coverage of 50% of the parent index.MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) is designed to represent the performance of Japanese companies that exhibit a commitment towards promoting and maintaining high level of gender diversity among their workforce.
Level B Scores in the CDP Climate Change List

In February 2025, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS was rated “B” by the UK’s CDP for its efforts and information disclosure on climate change. CDP is an international non-profit organization that encourages companies to promote environmental initiatives and disclose information with the aim of responding to investors’ concerns about environmental issues. A questionnaire is issued for each subject, such as climate change, water resource conservation and forest conservation, and companies are given a score on an 8-point scale from D- to A based on their responses. B at the management level this time indicates that the company has been evaluated as taking action against environmental risks and their effects “to track and mitigate or eliminate environmental risks and their effects.” Using this rating as a reference, the SEGA SAMMY Group hopes to further strengthen its efforts in the future and bring it closer to best practices.