Focus1 | Evolution as a group committed to human resource development

The SEGA SAMMY Group develops and provides a wide variety of entertainment in markets around the world. We see the development of an environment in which people from diverse cultural backgrounds can work together and achieve growth and development as essential to our continuing growth as a global business group, and we have therefore prioritized the enhancement of our educational environment.
Our mission 1
To be a group in which people with diverse cultural backgrounds from around the world can work together and achieve growth and development
Our target is to increase the percentage of multicultural personnel*1 to 21% or higher by 2030. We also plan to invest a total of at least ¥4 billion in training for core personnel over a nine-year period starting in 2022.
Over the past three years, a cumulative total of more than 20,000 people have participated in educational programs through the SEGA SAMMY College(SS-College), which we established to provide learning opportunities for SEGA SAMMY Group employees. The SS-College offers one of Japan’s best educational environments, thanks to a diverse and comprehensive range of lectures and training programs designed to improve the skills and motivation of people with different skill sets and inspire innovative thinking.
In addition to the improvement of our own educational systems, we also encourage industry-level initiatives. For example, The Creative Assembly Ltd., one of SEGA SAMMY Group companies engaged in consumer software development in the United Kingdom, is working to expand educational activities designed to ensure the availability of workers for the video game industry over the medium- to long-term future. This policy is also reflected in the company’s studio personnel recruitment strategy and its strategic commitment to human resources.
*1 Multicultural personnel: These are people who have knowledge of various cultures and can apply their experience to their work activities. They are designated using multiple criteria, including foreign nationality, experience of multiple cultures while living overseas, and achievement of a certain level of proficiency in multiple languages, such as English and Chinese.

Our mission 2
To create a group environment in which individuals will be highly
motivated to contribute and succeed, through a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion
The SEGA SAMMY Group is working to advance diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the world. We see the creation of an environment in which individuals will be highly motivated to contribute and succeed, and the provision of opportunities as a vital part of our efforts to realize the full potential of our human resources.
As part of these efforts, SEGA of America has started to hire diversity, equity, and inclusion experts, while SEGA Europe has established a specialized group to pursue these goals.
As of March 2022, the Sammy Group had achieved Platinum Kurumin*2 certification, while SEGA SAMMY Holdings, SEGA, and Sammy had gained gold ratings under the Pride Index*3. We are committed to further efforts in these areas. Evaluations by independent organizations will continue to provide important reference points for our ongoing initiatives to raise engagement levels.
Our first goal is to increase the percentage of female managers to 8% or higher by 2030.
*2 Platinum Kurumin certification: This system is based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare awards certification to companies that have performed initiatives of a certain standard. Only companies deemed to have carried out initiatives on a higher level are eligible for Platinum Kurumin certification.
*3 The Pride Index is administered by work with Pride, a voluntary organization. Companies are rated according to their initiatives to support sexual minorities in the workplace. Gold ratings are awarded to companies that meet specific criteria for all five rating indicators.