Management Policy

Dialogue with the capital markets

This page provides information about the SEGA SAMMY Group's dialogue with the capital markets, external evaluations, and IR policy.

Dialogue with the capital markets

Record of Dialogues

This section provides information of the dialogue records with the capital markets and the Group.

EVENT FY2024/3 Results Target Main SpeakerOutline
General Meeting of Shareholders 1 timeShareholders/td>            Group CEO, Group CFO and Board of DirectorsBusiness Report, Resolution of a proposal, and Q&A session (Japanese only)
Financial Results Briefing 4 timesInstitutional Investors, Securities Analysts, Media Representatives etc.Group CEO and Group CFO (Q2 and Full-year)
Executive Vice President, Executive Officer and Director of IR/SR Dept. (Q1 and Q3)
Explanation of the results for the relevant period and future outlook, including medium- to long-term prospects, and Q&A session (Japanese only)
Management Large Meeting 1 timeInstitutional Investors, Securities Analysts etc.Group CEO, Group CFO and Heads of Business UnitExplanation of medium- to long-term strategies for company-wide management, finance, and major businesses, etc., and Q&A session
Management Small Meeting 1 timeInstitutional InvestorsGroup CEOGroup meeting for institutional investors hosted by a securities company
Factory Visit 1 timeInstitutional Investors, Securities Analysts etc.Director of Manufacturing Division, etc.Explanation of the initiatives being taken at each stage of the manufacturing process for pachislot and pachinko machines
IR Meeting 335 meetings/197 attendees (Managements)
264 meetings/538 attendees(Members of IR/SR Dept.)
Institutional Investors, Securities Analysts etc.Group CEO, Group CFO, Executive Vice President, Executive Officer, Director of IR/SR Dept. and Members of IR/SR Dept. Individual meetings with institutional investors
Explanation of a wide range of topics, including results and forecasts, as well as various strategies, etc.
ESG Meeting 2 meetingsInstitutional Investors, Securities Analysts etc.External Directors, Head of Sustainability Department and Director of IR/SR Dept.Explanation of the background and progress of initiatives in each ESG item, etc.
SR Meeting 13 meetingsShareholders (person in charge of exercising voting rights for institutional investors, etc.)Group CFO and Executive Vice President, Executive OfficerReporting on the status of the company to major shareholdersand dialogue, such as exchanging opinions on individual topics with them
Conferences Hosted by a Securities Company 5 timesInstitutional InvestorsGroup CFO, Executive Vice President, Executive Officer, Director of IR/SR Dept. and Members of IR/SR Dept. Participation in a conference hosted by a securities company
Conducte intensive meetings with domestic and foreign institutional investors.
Briefing for Domesitic Individual Investors 2 timesIndividual ShareholdersDirector of IR/SR Dept.Explanation of the current situation and future strategies of the company, mainly for individual investors
Perception Study Once per annualOverseas Institutional Investors, ShareholdersAsking feedback regarding the Company for overseas investors, who are difficult to get opinions from
Collecting opinions that contribute to the Company's management

Major themes of the dialogue

Themes Details
Management Strategy Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used as management indicators
Business Portfolio Strategy
Measures for improving capital efficiency
Capital Allocation Concept of Investment in Growth
Shareholder Return Policy
Individual Business Entertainment Contents Business
- Transmedia Strategy, Growth strategies such as M&A strategies
- Structural Reforms in Europe, etc.
Pachislot & Pachinko Machines Business
 - Strategies for improving market share, business efficiency and profitability
Gaming Business
- Growth strategy through M&A, etc.
Business performance Short-term business performance
Progress of the medium-term plan
Sustainability Progress of human resource strategy
Governance structure
Other initiatives for each materiality, such as addiction, etc.

Feedback to the Management and the Group

Regarding the status of dialogue with shareholders and investors, the Company provides prompt feedback on a regular basis or as needed to the Representative Director, Chief Financial Officer, and other directors or external directors, executive officers, or persons responsible for business operations. The Company strives to use this information for sustainable growth and increased corporate value of the Company in the medium to long term.

Event FY2024/3 Results Target Main SpeakerOutline
Feedback for Management Report at the Group Management Strategy Committee: 1 time
Iindividual report to each management: after each quarter
Group CEO, Group CFO, Board of Directors, Executive Officers and Executive Officers of each Business DivisionDirector of IR/SR Dept. and Members of IR/SR Dept. Reporting on investor feedback and analyst evaluations obtained through IR activities, shareholder status, stock market trends, etc.
IR/SR Monthly Report Issue: once in a monthGroup CEO, Group CFO, Board of Directors, Executive Officers, Executive Officers of each Business Division and Group employeesDistributing information such as market evaluations about the Company, investor feedback, stock market trends, and comparisons with other companies in the same industry on the Company intranet for all employees
Briefing for internal employees 3 timesGroup employeesDirector of IR/SR Dept., Members of IR/SR Dept. and Members of Finance & Accounting Dept.Explanation of the purpose of IR activities and market evaluation, etc., directly to group employees (for new employees, for employees in each business and financial results briefings for all employees, etc.)

Other Activities

・Production of integrated reports, website for individual investors, etc.
・Disclosure of IR related documents on official website
  (Documents related to results announcement, timely disclosure, notice of ordinary general meeting of shareholders and others)

Past IR Awards

The Group has received the following awards from third parties for its IR activities:

Gomez / IR Site Ranking

GOLD 2024

Sector Ranking  (Machine): 1st

BroadBand Security, Inc.

2024 Listed Company Website Quality Ranking

All Markets Ranking: AAA website

Nikko Investor Relations Co., Ltd

Internet IR 2024

Commendation Award 2024

Daiwa Investor Relations Co. Ltd.

2024 Awards for Excellence in Corporate Disclosure

2nd place at Advertising Services/Media/Entertainment
The Securities Analysts Association of Japan


Bronze, Game Developer category

MerComm, Inc.

"Most Liked!" IR Award at 2022 IR Award

Japan Investor Relations Association

IR Policy

IR Policy

IR Policy can be viewed in this page.

Our Stance and Status to the Corporate Governance Code

Governance report can be viewed in this page.


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